New Ruling on the Ten Commandments
In case you haven't heardThe Supreme Court has ruled that it is not legal for a framed rendition of the 10 Commandments to be displayed inside a courthouse but it is legal for a stone statue to be...
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Silly if it wasn't so sad. What's the point of displaying the 10 Commandments if we do not uphold them? Personally, I think that it is good to remove them from display period. That way we can still...
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My personal feeling is that you can't take God out of the court. You can take the 10 commandments out, but that doesn't mean God has left the building.You can't take God out of the world. He made it....
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A completely secular reason for the 10 commandments is because they are really the birth of law as we know it in the western world. The fact that folks are up in arms over such "blatantly religious"...
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Heh, why aren the same peopel who ar upset over the Ten Commandments because of its rleigiosu Origins not up in arms over that Blind Lady? You know, th eone holding the SCales and with a Blindfold...
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Nice perspective, Z. I think if people were more educated in the area or if the media reported it there would be more of an outcry. I dont think the fuss would be as big as the one made over the Ten...
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Why dotn we do the sensable thing andnot bicker over thigns that dotn rllay change matters much?IE, let the Ten COmmandmnts be posted wherever, thy do not force pepel to be Christain in and of...
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